Aquinas College provides its employees with a stimulating, rewarding, spiritually enriching and values centric workplace.

Aquinas College seeks to attract people who are the best in their speciality area, who will commit to supporting the Edmund Rice charism, the Catholic ethos and the College’s Mission and Values.

Aquinas College aims to foster an environment in which employees are recognised and valued for their contributions, with opportunities to achieve continuous improvement through ongoing professional development and support.

Our four tenets of scholarly attainment, spiritual awareness, character formation and solidarity with others, remain at the core of day-to-day activities for our students.

Current Available Positions

Please see currently available positions at Aquinas College below. You can click on the Job Description buttons more information and to apply.

Position Vacant

Sport Coaches

Aquinas College accepts expressions of interest from experienced individuals who are interested in being a part of the Sports Program.

Apply Now

Teaching Roles at Aquinas College
Non-teaching Roles at Aquinas College
Child Safe


Employee benefits include;

  • Remuneration in keeping with the Catholic Education Enterprise Bargaining Agreements
  • Excellent working conditions with access to exceptional resources and state-of-the-art facilities
  • Pristine and convenient location
  • Free on-site parking
  • Salary packaging
  • Deferred salary program
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Sociable working environment with special events held throughout the year
  • Focus on employee well-being

Teaching Roles at Aquinas College

Aquinas College teachers inspire and motivate our students as they progress their learning journey.

Teachers at the College offer their professional expertise and commitment but also their personal attributes and wisdom to become mentors for boys, while actively promoting College values.

Aquinas College is a school for boys and looks to its teachers to provide boys with a positive and holistic learning environment that includes academic, spiritual, social-emotional and physical dimensions to enable boys to grow into the men the world needs.

The College works with boys to assist them to take their place in our community as good men. Our teachers have the best practice knowledge to assist boys on their journey and work within a student-centered model.

Aquinas College recognises and values the role teachers play in boys’ education and in doing so looks forward to expressions of interest by teachers who may wish to join the College in its mission.

Teaching staff are expected to participate in an extensive co-curricular program in a way that balances the needs of the College and the teacher’s interests and talents. Possible activities may include sports, music, drama, debating, and adventure learning camps or excursions.

Non-teaching Roles at Aquinas College

Aquinas College receives a significant contribution from committed and valued non-teaching employees. Their dedication enables and supports the delivery of excellence to our students, their families and the wider community.

Non-teaching career opportunities may arise in the following areas:

  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • ICT
  • Administration
  • Nursing
  • Counselling /Psychology
  • Education Assistants
  • Grounds and Maintenance
  • Catering

Child Safe

AD MHP CoordinatorAquinas College is committed to providing education and care to children and young people to assist them to develop into high-achieving, supported students, positively connected to each other and to the communities in which they live and which they will serve. The College is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people at the College and is dedicated to protecting them from abuse and grooming by implementing robust policies and procedures to deter abuse and grooming, and facilitate detection and reporting at the College. The College’s Statement of Commitment to Child Safety has been designed to reflect the Child Safe Organisations WA: Guidelines and focus on what is best for children. At Aquinas College, we have a zero tolerance for child abuse and grooming. The College regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and as such is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and to maintain safe and supportive College physical and online environments for all children and young people.

Aquinas College is a child-safe organisation, committed to the protection of children and has zero tolerance of any abuse of children. For further details on the Aquinas College Childsafe policies and framework please refer to the policies section of this website.

All employees are required to undergo and maintain child-safe, legislative and College screening and checks as a condition of employment and sign a statement of compliance with all Aquinas College policies and procedures including the College Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.