
2020 was a year like no other in prior LAX years. The pandemic forced a change in the way we host functions and raise funds for our students. LAX is the longest standing community group and is very much steeped in tradition. One thing I have learnt above all others is that it is possible to succeed in uncertain times if we have faith, hope and community.
The year commenced with a beautiful New Mothers Morning Tea and Mass, held in the newly refurbished College Chapel. This is a wonderful way to start a new year and serves great importance, welcoming new mothers to the school from Kindy through to Year 12. Aimed at all mothers from day students to boarding mums that live outside the metro area. This was a memorable and moving mass for all that attended, followed by morning tea in the Waterford Room overlooking the Canning River.
The Ladies Auxiliary was proud to support a campaign called “She’s Someone” initiated by the College Captain, Kynan Ganza, to raise awareness about respect to women. Twenty-six mums from LAX and the school community took part in an assembly, followed by a workshop to educate our boys about respect to women of all ages, in-person and online across social media platforms.

Shortly afterwards our planning and events came to a sudden halt as we all went into lockdown because of the COVID 19 pandemic. As fear and uncertainty gripped the nation The Ladies Auxiliary used this time to complete administration tasks. It allowed the time to reorganise, shuffle and plan for functions and events when the lockdown would eventually end. The committee endeavoured to stay connected via zoom video calls and smaller group meetings following restrictions and social distancing requirements. One meeting was held in the driveway of a coffee shop. Three committee members attended the meeting, standing in a triangle measuring 3m apart from each person. I believe that we will laugh at this scenario in years to come.
Throughout this strange and unpredictable time, our committee remained positive and committed to finding creative ways in which to continue the work that we do for our boys and for our school.

The first opportunity we could all get together as in the past was The Senior Old Boys Day. This was an enjoyable day out for the Old Boys of the College as they met for a sit-down lunch. The Hughes Dining Hall was filled with 120 guests that enjoyed a presentation and the opportunity to reconnect with each other.
Our post-COVID lockdown spring luncheon ‘Ladies@Lunch’ event replaced our annual July Morning Tea this year and was a sell-out. Guests were treated to a two-course lunch catered by Steven Lewis, dazzled with a fashion show by Zingara and an ensemble of musical performances by the talented students of our school.
This year the Year 12 students were treated to a graduation dinner off-site at the amazing Optus Stadium. Tricia Radotic and her working group spent days of preparation and endless hours of hard work to ensure that our students would have a night to remember for a lifetime, following what was a disruptive academic year. The families of the graduating students had an amazing evening and the boys were gifted with satin- boxed traditional College cuff links from The Ladies Auxiliary.
The year ended with a ‘Thank you’ event hosted by the Aquinas College Leadership Team. The volunteers were treated to an evening “off” and were spoilt with five-star service by the academic staff. Thank you to Peter Robertson, Nichole Rowsen and the Aquinas College staff for your recognition of service. We would not be able to do what we do without your continued support.

After two amazing years, it is time for me to hand over the reins of LAX President. It has been an absolute privilege to work with the amazing executive team, an experience that I will cherish for years to come and that I am very grateful to have been involved with. To the parting committee members of 2020, I thank you for your hours of service.
Finally, I would like to welcome the new incoming President, Shelley Stokes and the 2021 LAX committee; Lisa Kennedy (SS VP), Rachael Gardiner, Helen Nolan, Janelle Walford, Anette Bower and Tricia Radotic.
I wish this marvellous and talented team of women everything of the best as they lead our school community of volunteers to support our boys, as LAX has continued to do since 1938.