Aquinas College Year 8 student Timothy Kania was awarded the City of Perth’s WA Young Community Citizen of the Year award on Australia Day for his work on various homeless projects.
Timothy was presented with a framed certificate, medal and trophy by Governor of WA Kim Beazley at a ceremony at the Perth Town Hall. Below is Timothy’s speech he gave at the event;
Good morning. I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of this land.
I would like to thank the City of Perth for the award they presented to me – which I humbly accept, on my own behalf and that of the countless volunteers of our city; a city that I feel so fortunate to have been born in and to live in.
Our nation would not exist today without the self-sacrifice of the volunteer. This spirit underpins who we are as Australians. We have seen over this summer that we live in a beautiful and harsh land. Without strong community links – we would perish. The bushfires have starkly reminded us all that without service to others, all that we build up would not only be torn down, but not be built up again for lack of hope.
Although I am saddened by the loss of life, of property, of fauna and flora, I am proud to be an Australian – for when things are at their worst – Australians are at their best.
My Great Grandmother was one of the pioneer ladies of the CWA, she spent her life bringing families together in the bush – her brothers gave their lives in War, defending our nation – what their examples show me, is that we should always be ready to give of ourselves.

Once again – I thank you – may God bless you all, and our beautiful nation.