The Hero's Journey

It was a stunning evening for the opening of the Year 9 Odyssey program on Monday night, with parents and carers gathering with their boys in the Chapel of St Thomas Aquinas for this special event.

The Odyssey is a year-long program exclusive to Aquinas College that guides Year 9 students through a male rite of passage program where boys are invited to leave behind their childhood and embark on the journey to adulthood. The powerful program reflects an approach to rite of passage that has been employed by traditional cultures for thousands of years and includes ceremonies, rituals, learnings and challenges that transition boys into a new phase of their development as they move away from childish ways to an adult psychology.

With a carefully curated program delivered as part of their curriculum, the students will engage in activities and learnings that teach life skills, build positive character traits and provide genuine opportunities to empower boys to become the best they can be in a safe and inclusive yet challenging environment.

At Aquinas, the developing young men are guided through discussions about their own unique experiences and family connections, immersing in an inner journey that encourages a deeper understanding of his own place in the world and provides a solid internal foundation as he faces the challenges of being an adult.

Based on the metaphorical story of the hero’s journey, our Odyssey program revolves around four major aspects:

  1. Call to adventure – identifying and acknowledging they need to step outside their comfort zone.
  2. Mentors – who help and guide along the journey
  3. Challenged – extending and growing beyond their edge.
  4. Returning – recognising and celebrating the boy’s internal transformation that has taken place.

An important part of the process involves community engagement to support and validate the transition. At Aquinas, the Odyssey’s potent opening ceremony invited parents to engage in the journey as their sons step towards becoming a man, and there were quite a few damp eyes as Mr Mark Weston guided the gathering through the emotional event.

At the end of the year, the developing young men participate in The Odyssey Adventure, a two week program of physical, social and spiritual activities which include three days sailing on the Leeuwin Tall Ship, community service, hiking 23km to camp solo overnight, cooking lessons, theatre sports and the Year 9 retreat.