The Aquinas College Schola Cantorum is a choir of 52 choristers, consisting of boys between Years 4-12. Known throughout the College as the Schola for short, it is a choral program unique to Aquinas College; no other school in WA has anything remotely similar.
The Schola contributes significantly to the liturgical component of Aquinas College’s identity. It does so by singing at the daily Chapel Services, as well as at significant events including ANZAC Day, Grandparents Day and the New Mother’s Mass.
In addition to these services, the Schola also performs at the 6pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle. This happens every week during term time.
The boys of the Schola rehearse before school four mornings a week, from 7:45-8:30, in the Mary Elliott Rice room, located in the Castle building. They do not rehearse on Tuesday mornings to allow the Junior School choristers to attend sport.
As well as these morning rehearsals, the choristers attend theory classes after school; Wednesday afternoons for Junior School and Senior School boys, Thursday afternoons for Middle School. Each chorister also receives an individual singing lesson and instrumental lesson every week.
On average, each chorister spends nine hours a week making music in addition to their school commitments.

Chapel Services & Additional Performances
Each Term, the Schola sing at three College Chapel services a week. However, not all boys sing at every service – the full choir sings at the Middle School and Senior School services, with the Junior School boys also singing at their own Junior School services.
For Middle and Upper School students, these Chapel services occur during Tutor periods, so they never miss any classes.
However, the Junior School choristers miss up to 30 minutes of class time each day they sing in a service. They are encouraged to make up this missed class time with academic excellence and good time management. Many members of the Schola regularly receive academic awards at the end of each year, including Dux of their year level.
On occasion, the Schola is invited to perform in external events with other organisations. In the past three years, these opportunities have included singing with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra in the Perth Concert Hall, singing the National Anthem in Government House for the 2020 Investitures, and recording backing vocals for Andrea Corr’s Christmas Album. A few boys have also successfully auditioned to sing as part of WA Opera’s Children’s Chorus for several different operas, including Pagliacci, Carmen and Tosca.
The Schola tours regularly as well – in 2023 36 boys travelled to the UK and Ireland. In June 2024, the choir will travel to Albany for a 4 day regional tour.
The Schola are available for hire for weddings, funerals and events. To find out more contact the Director Hugh Lydon by submitting an enquiry below.